Photo El Universal
“Transformational travel is intentionally traveling to stretch, learn and grow into new ways of being and engaging with the world. When we leave home and set out on our own, there are often 3 critical parts of a truly life-altering adventure:
Traveling with intention, openness, and mindfulness
Engaging in challenging/eye-opening physical and/or cultural experiences
Taking time for personal reflection & meaning-making
The goal is to help bring these 3 elements together to radically increase the likelihood of you having a life-changing travel experience.” The following positive-impact Experiences allow guests to donate either time or money to benefit organizations that promote social and environmental development in/around Mexico City.
Photo by: Fondo Semillas
Fondo Semillas
An organization that supports gender equality in an environment where the women themselves propose solutions to the problems they face. Some examples of the relief provided are midwives who prevent maternal mortality and obstetric violence, maquila workers fighting sexual harassment and unequal wages, indigenous women living in rural places who defend their right to own land, domestic employees who seek to have their work recognized, and indigenous women's sustainable enterprises.
Photo Fundación Origen
Fundación Origen
A non-profit organization centered around resolving violence against women, supporting their emotional health and self-empowerment. Origen hosts events that involve sports (such as 5K races), art auctions in collaboration with Jumex Foundation and auctioning tequila bottles intervened by renowned Mexican artists.
IG: @fundacionorigen
Photo Pro México Indígena
Pro México Indígena
A spectacular foundation that aids the development of the Mazahuas, Otomí, Tseltales, Mayas, Mazatecas, Chinantecas, Purépechas and Me’phaas communities. Guests can participate in handcraft workshops to rescue traditional costumes or donate money so the women can purchase farm animals, develop their own bee apiaries and even solar panel technologies.
IG: @promexicoindigena
Photo Naturalia
Specialized in reforestation and rescuing endemic plant and animal species in Mexico. We can arrange a half-day volunteer Experience with Cinturón Verde, their in-house program that organizes brigades to plant trees around Mexico City.
IG: @naturalia_ac
If you’d like to donate your time or money or learn more about these fantastic non profit organizations, please email us at